Overwatch 2's Mirrorwatch Event: Heroes and Villains Swap Roles
Blizzard Entertainments
The Mirrorwatch event in Overwatch 2 has completely turned the game on its head, swapping the roles and abilities of heroes and villains alike. This event runs until May 13 and introduces some fascinating changes to the gameplay. Let's explore the changes in detail.
Strike Commander Ogundimu (Doomfist)
UPDATED Seismic Slam: Leap and smash the ground, granting overhealth to Doomfist and nearby allies.
UPDATED Power Block: Block frontal attacks with a shield; heavy damage taken empowers Rocket Punch.
UPDATED Meteor Strike: Leap into the air and target an area to strike, granting overhealth to allies.
Fallen Knight Reinhardt
UPDATED Barrier Field: Deploy an energy barrier that boosts allied projectile damage and increases Reinhardt's movement speed when it breaks.
UPDATED Earthshatter: Knock down enemies in a narrow path in front.
NEW Frenzy (Passive): Increases attack speed as Rocket Hammer deals damage.
Talon Zarya
UPDATED Particle Cannon: Fires a beam or energy orbs, with the orbs piercing enemies.
UPDATED Particle Barrier: When blocking damage, the particle barrier increases cannon damage, and when it expires, it knocks back and damages enemies.
UPDATED Projected Barrier: Similar effects as the Particle Barrier but can be cast on an ally.
NEW Expulsion Zone: Launches a gravity surge, pushing enemies away.
Gwishin Bastion
UPDATED Configuration Recon: Now mobile with a powerful shotgun.
NEW Configuration Intel: Reveal nearby enemies while increasing attack and reload speed.
UPDATED A-36 Tactical Grenade: Bounces off walls and explodes on impact without harming Bastion.
NEW Configuration: Reinforcement: Becomes immobile to deploy up to four allied Slicers.
Blackwatch Echo
UPDATED Sticky Bombs: Fire homing sticky bombs that detonate after a delay.
UPDATED Flight: Fly forward quickly and then free-fly briefly, knocking back enemies.
UPDATED Focusing Beam: Slows enemies and deals high damage to those with less than half health.
NEW Maximum Efficiency: Increases attack speed and reduces cooldowns.
Agent Colomar (Sombra)
UPDATED Hack: Hack allies for increased attack speed and overhealth and enemies to disrupt them. Hacked health packs spawn faster.
UPDATED Virus: Damages and debuffs enemies over time, and more so if they're hacked.
NEW Anti-Virus: Grants health and increased attack speed to nearby allies.
Talon Tracer
UPDATED Blink: Teleport in the movement direction; taking damage allows additional teleports.
NEW Bloodthirst: Increase attack speed and steal health from enemies after continuous damage.
Captain Lacroix (Widowmaker)
UPDATED Widow's Kiss: Assault or sniper mode; charged sniper shots reveal enemies.
NEW Silk Shield: Deploys a protective barrier.
UPDATED Infra-Sight: Highlights enemy weak points.
Arch-Commadant Amari (Ana)
UPDATED Biotic Rifle: Instantly heals allies or damages enemies; can now headshot.
UPDATED Biotic Grenade: Heals and boosts ally healing, damages and debuffs enemy healing.
UPDATED Nano Boost: Self-use reduces damage taken and boosts the rifle's healing and debuffing effects.
NEW Lunge: Allows a double jump.
Talon Brigitte
UPDATED Repair Pack: Heals an ally and grants them lifesteal.
UPDATED Whip Shot: Pulls enemies closer.
UPDATED Barrier Shield: Deploys an energy barrier that blocks damage to empower Shield Bash.
UPDATED Shield Bash: Knocks back and sets enemies on fire when empowered.
Vengeance (Mercy)
UPDATED Caduceus Staff: Heal an ally or boost their damage while dealing damage over time to nearby enemies.
NEW Soul Burn: Detonates fallen allies or enemies.
NEW Revenge: Grants flying and rocket firing capabilities with enhanced abilities.
Z-3N Destroyer (Zenyatta)
UPDATED Orb of Harmony: Heals an ally and boosts healing based on damage dealt.
UPDATED Orb of Discord: Increases damage taken by the enemy and adds a damage-over-time effect.
NEW Interdiction Zone: Prevents enemies from using abilities in a specific area.
These detailed updates introduce an entirely new dynamic to the gameplay in Overwatch 2's Mirrorwatch event, offering fresh strategies and challenges for players. Take your chance to experience these twists before the event concludes on May 13.