Why Dolphin Emulator Won’t Launch on Apple’s App Store

There's been talk about game emulators for iPhones because Apple said yes to having them in their App Store. People were happy to see emulators like Delta on their iPhones, but Dolphin, which lets you play GameCube and Wii games, is missing. Here's why according to the team behind dolphin.

The Technical Problem: JIT Compiling

Dolphin needs a process called JIT compiling to work. This process changes the game's code into a type that iPhones can understand, like translating a book into another language quickly. Without JIT, Dolphin can't work well enough for a good gaming experience.

Apple's Focus on Security

Apple cares a lot about keeping their devices safe, and they won't let Dolphin use JIT because of security worries. This is a big reason why Dolphin is not coming to the App Store.

Performance Issues

Dolphin could technically work without JIT by using something slower called an interpreter, but that would make the games run too slow, like in slow motion. The developers don't want to lower the gaming quality.

What's Next

For now, Dolphin is not coming to the App Store. Maybe Apple will change their rules in the future. Until then, we have other emulators like Delta that work well on iOS devices.

So, while Dolphin is not available, let's enjoy the games we can play and hope that someday, all our favorite emulators will be easy to use on our phones.


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